
Forums Donor Beta!

Hey everyone!

After a year of work and 1500 commits, we finally have forums! There's still a lot of features missing, but over the next while I'll be working on adding all those old features you miss, plus some new ones I have in mind.

This is a donor-only beta. This means that only donors can see and post in forums other than the announcements. Once I've finished everything I want for the full release, it will be open to everyone.

How to use the forums

  • If you aren't a donor, you can either buy a rank at our shop, or wait for the full release.
  • Log in at
  • If you haven't already registered, follow the steps on the page.
  • Come back to the forums — they should all be visible now.
  • Post!
  • You can check out a markdown guide here (note: you can't see other topics unless you're logged in).

If you have any trouble, please feel free to DM me on discord (Half#6583)

Bugs? Suggestions?

If there are any security issues, please DM me directly on discord (Half#6583).

Any bugs you find can go in this topic (note: you can't see other topics unless you're logged in), and any suggests can be made as topics in the Development forum. You can always DM me on discord, as well.


Before public release, I plan to get quoting, notifications, a what's new section, and a secret thing done. After that there will still be lots more to do — if you have any ideas please feel free to suggest them!


For the last year, we've had to go without AMAs. But no longer — the forums are here. Go forth and post!

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