
AMA mrcookie_13

Hi I joined OCN about 5 years ago when I saw this video: I mostly played Blitz Rage and remember getting destroyed by Cinco.

I played off-an-on, and started playing a lot more right before the first shutdown. My first team was Hommies With Extra Chromes which I played for the last tournament, but only Ref and I showed up lol. Now I'm on the Rubber Ducks :muscle: . Ask me anything, and expect a real response.

RIP weaboo511 :,(

opinion as a person

opinion as a player

favorite player from walrus

favorite player from rubber ducks

thoughts on stratus competitive

opinion as a person

You are a pretty cool dude. When I first met you on badlion you were a mega squeaker but you have gotten a lot better in that regard. Pretty funny too, especially with rockaror's car crash.

opinion as a player

You're pretty good, but a bit overrated. Good at sword but bow could use some work. The best way to improve, in my opinion, would be to take some "tips" from higher-skilled players such as PhantomOrion. I'm also not entirely sure how well you would do in objective-oriented gamemodes like CTW/DTC because you only play conquest.

favorite player from walrus

Probably Chenay/NLtwan321/you

favorite player from rubber ducks


thoughts on stratus competitive

Despite all of the negative feedback, I really enjoy the tournaments--they are really fun to play in. What stratus really needs now is a PUG system or ranked mode. I think they could grow their competitive scene a lot as well.


opinio as player

where does your name come from?

fav map?

fav rage map?


That’s strange I don’t remember you from anywhere except here

How has stratus been suiting you?

Opinion on the Duckies?

Opinion on Walrus?

Beef Taquitos or Chicken Taquitos?


Best rage player?

Favorite map? Favorite gamemode?

If you could organize an event, what would it be?

Hit me with that opinion

  • Favorite type of cookie?

  • Who do you think is the funniest person on Stratus?

  • Least favorite color?

  • Least favorite fruit?

  • Cats or dogs?

  • Squirrels or chipmunks?

  • What are you most looking forward to in Stratus in the future?

  • Favorite band?

  • Opinion on Notch because why not

  • Opinion on me if you have one

Opinion as a person?

Opinion as a player?

Opinion? Do you remember our Bedwars matches in Badlion :P ?

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