
AMA Black-Lee zard

eyy im bored ask whatever u want

about me mmm been playing for 5ish years but never acomplished anything too exciting :( i like making videos but wouldn't dedicate or study an actual career, right now finishing highschool and bout to study physioterapy. also a calisthenics athlete for almost 3 years. I love rap, really enjoy rock, punk and emo, and im about to tattoo something related to panic at the disco. probably the logo or smtn

favorite album rn

how long is your hair


where would you like to travel someday

do u manscape


Opinion de neeq?

really enjoyed mirrorland from earthgang, but hands down vices and virtues from p!atd. also really like care for me from saba

short, but used to be long-ish. i used to tie it :,)

dont have a huge opinion on u tbh, i just know that ur a funny dud

mmm probs the most iconic countries on europe, and the caribean part of SA


megarufus la perra

hace mil no hablamos, en obey siempre eras muy callado pero cuando hablabas lo hacias hasta por los codos jajaja un cago de risa

es un imbecil

nada de nada, no conozco ni tu voz

sup black

thoughts on dtc

can i join obey

sup shaun

my favourite gamemode, gets no love on this server. I hope there's a dtc tournament soon so obey can come back :,)

sure bro in fact ur already in

Sup Lizard

I used to see you a lot on Riot back on late OCN / lifeboat. Do you miss the FFA maps?

What kind of cannon do you like to make?

Want to collab on a video? I could use some help with cinematics.


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