
Only One Objective in all gamemodes??


I've played all kinds of games on different servers for a while, so I left Stratus a bit but I realized something... Current players only look for "fast" games, a good example is SkyWars. I do not know if you have noticed that the newest and most played modes are inspired by SkyWars as
"The Birdge" "BedWars", etc. Therefore, modalities such as UHC have disappeared.

Well, since I mention this, I think it would be a good idea that the modalities such as CTW, DTC and DTM, should only have one objective, have several benefits including "shorter" items, it all depends on the team, they will focus on attacking an objective only at like defending, more pvp in Mid and Frontline, they will be split with more "action" (PvP) and not based only on defending. In addition you can add funny things in mid such as "breads", items with knockback, levitation speed, etc.

I would like to know your opinion.

I hope it's understandable, since I use google translator


He jugado un buen rato todo tipo de juegos en diferentes servidores por ello abandone un poco Stratus pero me di cuenta de algo... Los jugadores actuales solo buscan partidas "rápidas" un buen ejemplo es SkyWars. No sé si han notado que los modos más nuevos y más jugados se inspiran en SkyWars como
"The Birdge" "BedWars" ,etc. Por ello modalidades como UHC han desaparecido.

Bueno ya que mencione esto creo que sería buena idea que las modalidades como CTW, DTC y DTM, sólo deberían tener un objetivo, tiene varios beneficios entre ellos unas partidas "más cortas" todo depende del equipo, se enfocarán en atacar un objetivo únicamente al igual que defender, más pvp en Mid y Frontline, serán partidas con más "acción" (PvP) y no basadas solo en defender. Además se pueden añadir cosas divertidas en mid como son los "breads" , items con knockback, levitación speed,etc.

Me gustaría saber su opinión.

I think you have a good idea. However, there is a large difference between UHC and PGM game modes. In UHC, you have to play it the whole time, but in PGM, joining in the middle of a game and leaving early doesn't really make a difference.

My goal with this post is for players to play full games.

It would be possible to enforce one objective for all game modes but how will they cope with multi-team maps, like a 4 team CTW?

PGM stands out because it allows long games, the reason I stay here. Not everyone likes quick pvp. That's why there are different servers. To each their taste.

No, one objective makes maps boring and not interesting. Matches with one monument aren't shorter but they make it more one dimensional

give this man admin

va a pasar lo contrario, todos van a campear en objetivo y todas las partidas van a ser un the nile 80 minutos de campear un monumento así que no gracias

lo unico que sé es que stratus tiene que empezar a hacer algo ya que cierra badlion

Las partidas con un solo objetivo suelen durar más.

Creo que jamás he visto un Dynamo de 2 horas xd

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