
/surrender command

So basically the idea is that. If a game is going on for way too long, and your team doesn't think it has a chance of winning. Someone can type /surrender. This will then open up a vote only shown to your own team. If a certain amount of people vote to surrender. The team will surrender and the opposing team will get the win. I don't know if this would actually work. But it's just an idea. Thoughts?

-1 i think it would have been useful for ocn ranked matches, but for casual and competitive matches nah

I think a time limit would be better


To mix both ideas, I would purpose that, around the 30th minute, a poll starts and asks the players if they wanted to set a 15 minutes countdown. If it fails, ask it again after 15-20 minutes until the game finishes or one poll succeeds.

Thanks for the feedback!

imagine retarded people spamming /surrender just to troll

Make it so you can only do it once.

If a game is going on for way too long, and your team doesn't think it has a chance of winning.

And that kids, is how Road to x wools videos cease to exist

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