
Give NixaniaXi Mapdev

He is the best mapmaker. Give him mapdev. He made all of the stratus maps.

look at all of the maps he has made:


Warehouse, Warehouse 2, Warehouse 3, Pinewood Island, Dome, Garden, Geometric


Leak, Tactics, Fier


Rogue (CP), Smoke, Foundry, Siege, Forge, Avenue


Arrow, Super Happy Fun World, PC Sports Resort, Cyril, Horseshoe Ranch, Thicket, Thicket Two, Safari, Union


Rogue (CTF), Electro, Slush, Bastille, Larnia, Gemini, Holo, Assembly, Spacerace: 1969 / Bazaar


Temple, Green, Tahiti

and more!

give weaboo511 ref he is too good of a ref

he is a better ref than majjus

ya do what mench said

But is he better than me

Why aren’t you a ref.
Also good thread and I agree

I dont recall correctly, but there was an OCN tourney with 6/8 of the map pool filled with nixania crap

Damn god how I hated that fucking tournament

ref isn't A ref because ref is THE ref

maybe when smoke 2 comes out

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