
New Play Page

Hello everyone!

Today I'm excited to announce that I've deployed an update to the website which vastly improves the design and feature set of the Play page. Now, to be fair, the original OCN page was used as a base for most of the rewrite, but this is new to Stratus so it's a feature, I promise.


Since UHC statistics and schedules have been added to the website, the navigation bar has become a bit crowded. In an effort to make the bar work on smaller screens, the Maps section has been moved under Play. Also in the Play menu is the server IP, which will be selected when you click it (just like the home page). We hope this will make our IP as easy to find for new users as possible, regardless of what page they are on at the time.


The page linked by the old Play button (/play) is now accessible by clicking on the Online Servers button. The page has been redesigned to show the number of players, along with the number of servers, online on the public network at the current time. Each public PGM server will show the current map being played, along with the current map slated to be next. Online friends and staff are also shown to the side. If any of your friends are nicked, a line will be shown through their name like in game. As with the home page and navbar, the IP at the top of the page will also be selected when clicked.

Hope you enjoy the redesign,


Solid :+1:

Doesn't beat pineapple on pizza though o.o

Anything can beat pineapple on pizza

Including SmackeyWacky

across ONE server


I am DeltaDragon222 this is my other account

Yay, this is back!

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