
Suggestions for Website - November 2018

Overview :

I think you should create a DMs fonction on the website, like if you want speak to someone and you don't have any discord or twitter, etc, you can DM this guy.

Team ranks :

We should have more ranks on team (League category).

ex : Tryout and Captain addranks.

Would be kind of cool with a ranking system of some kind

oh boi that was suggested in ocn

With Discord being so easily accessible and the server having a community Discord server, is there really a need for a private messaging system tho? Most people have some form of contact info on their profile, or usually you can just find people in Discord by trying to ping their IGN.

Alternatively, /msg's sent in game save even if you're logged off, so you can contact someone via that and they'll see the message as soon as they log back in.

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