
AMA - thsjig

If the first thing you guys probably said to yourself after reading this title is "oh god its jig", then that means I've succeeded in my task of tormenting you, you're welcome. I'm bored asf, ask me questions about anything.

u any good at this game anymore?

wanna join my mc team?

no I said oh frick why this kid

opinion if any on me dood

do you remember your pubert days back in ocn when we used to play for scorpia?

sup Jig

Give me your jacket

Chicken or General Tso's Chicken?


Do you put your left sock on first, or your right?


Singing Like Jack Son

When Is Next Sheng Wu Kao Shi

When We Gona Watch To Gether

Onion On Me

ey wadup jig

how u doin now

Im wack duuuUDe

nahhh no mc for me xd

Blackloosered I think you're a very cool guy. Every time we talk we're always memeing and ur a v funny dude so that's good :D

Scorpia :::::::::::::::::::::::::D

Scorpia was an interesting experience but it was pretty fun playing like Nea Archi or whatever that map is called but yea cool stuff.

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