
I just want to say hi to my old friends

I used to be quite well known EU overcast network player (I had 65000+ kills). I was participant of some OCN tournaments and I joined OCN at September 2013. I have met so many good persons on this server, I had many amazing memories and mostly funny times spent on public/scrimm servers. I am so happy I could be part of OCN community.

Why am I posting this article?

I am just curious who remember me from OCN. :D So who remembers me feel free to say hi to me for maybe last time.

I loved OCN community and I hope stratus is very fine as well, those communities will always stay in my heart. Love you guys <3

My English was always bad so sorry for grammatic incorrects.

Your petranhoses, the OCN veteran.

hi petran!

best czech duo with thomas :heart:

Hello :) i still remember you , Hope you remember me to ;)

Hey I remember you from public matches

Wow hey penta horses hit me with that opinion broski xx

I remember seeing you a lot on public matches

i remember your ign

Hey konjić, how u doing

Sup patron

Do you remember me???

Hows life andd ur opnon on me

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