

Hey ya´ll , im LucasPP5 im from Brazil and like to do the wool defense
i played a lot and even had a rank in the overcast era (purple one) too but due to the server ownership change its gone. i still consider buying the new ranks thought.

My favorite map is The Nile for sure. after that the tnt ones are also great and i like most of CTW/DTC maps. You can ask my opinion on anything (just be prepared to recive it XD) thats all see ya


What do you enjoy the most about these kind of gamemodes?

defending the wool
also random chatter

Hey welcome to Stratus!

And just to correct you, ranks weren't lost because of new ownership, Stratus didn't take over OCN. Their plugin became open source and we created our server as a new home for the gamemode & community!

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