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By Ny_ , DivineWolv , itscal , and  Travis Scott

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Latest Update

- Strength Pot shortened from 2 min to 30 seconds
- TNT no longer drops
- Added some iron blocks into spawn buildings
- Removed cover and made middle potion island smaller
- Changed diamond islands to have 3 diamonds each instead of 5

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SICKO MODE is a 8v8 Dry DTM map for the upcoming tournament. Each team has 2 monuments (a front and a back one), made mostly of emeralds with 2 beacon blocks in the middle. You can bridge basically anywhere. Each team has an "Extra Supplies" island and an Iron island. The goal is to provide teams with enough supplies in their spawn to theoretically last 30-40 minutes before they run out and have to resort to using the extra supplies. The vast majority of the iron in the map is located in the teams' iron islands.

Please give your feedback - I'm excited to see this tested out and I'll keep making tweaks to the map as we see how the gameplay works out.

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- Strength Pot shortened from 2 min to 30 seconds
- TNT no longer drops
- Added some iron blocks into spawn buildings
- Removed cover and made middle potion island smaller
- Changed diamond islands to have 3 diamonds each instead of 5

  • v1.0
    • Initial Release

sicko mode = travis scott

Reminds me to spaceship battles

just played it, needs iron at spawn or more armor as we threw one fight on right and got 5 man pushed and then spawn killed for the rest of the game, i think spawn killing should be possible as it rewards good coordination but they were literally holding 8 respawners with 4 full dia/iron players, considering 3 hits and ur dead iron needs to be added in spawn or at least give full leather and maybe a chain chestplate

Saw a scrim on this map a few hours ago. Maybe put less diamond blocks in the game, because a full diamond player + diamond sword is way too overpowered, it can take out like 4 players without armor. I think the map is really good for the upcoming tournament

No your team is just bad

Made a few updates after this morning's testing!

- Strength Pot shortened from 2 min to 30 seconds
- TNT no longer drops
- Added some iron blocks into spawn buildings
- Removed cover and made middle potion island smaller
- Changed diamond islands to have 3 diamonds each instead of 5

Tbh this is a really good map, I've played one scrim yesterday and it was very funny, but in my opinion there are several things that needs to be changed or removed.
For example, there are too much supply chests over the map and islands, I think you should remove them from 1 island or put more chests in the spawn.
Another thing is that there is a LOT of iron, and a good thing would be that you put just the iron supply over 1 island instead of on both islands.
Finally, since the far monument is harder to rush (since it's a defensive/hold side) I suggest making it smaller.

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