
AMA Xuph / Eric

Hello I'm Xuph most people call me by my name Eric.

I played this game for very long by now, took part in competitive play in Avicus, OCN and Badlion and now in Stratus

I enjoy building maps and getting creative, and I also enjoy talking to bunch of people on this server. Other than that I also very much enjoy music (at the moment I listen mostly to metal).

If you have any questions ask away !



Do you play any sport

Do you like minecraft

What are you doing now

Do you masturbate

honest onion

you watch baby driver yet

best 8 players you’ve played with

favourite map you’ve ever made

who was the best player of all time on avicus



Did you enjoy map making for Badlion or Avicus better?

Any particular favorite tournament moments that you personally saw?

Was there anyone you thought was very underrated during Avicus?

Do you still make maps? If so do you make it for competitive or public?



Did you like Avicus, OCN, or Badlion more?


I recall you are the Nacho from TR, I think. I never got to know you until like a week ago haha but you already seem like a very nice amigo. From the game aspect I remember scrimming against you and you being pretty laggy to fight. Hope we can get to know eachother better now

I don't really play a sport regulary anymore, I used to play soccer and I still do sometimes. I go to the gym instead

A lot less than I used to

Im currently revising for a big test in history for tomorrow

Only while scrimming

Do you have ligma?

Do you still play ow? We could play sometimes if so

Wish we talk more often Erica, I miss u :(

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