
What are your gamemode ideas?

I'm just curious if anyone has any new gamemode ideas outside of what PGM already has. Here's one I just came up with called Transport. There's an "egg" spawner in the middle of the map (could be any item and one spawner or multiple) and each team needs to bring multiple eggs to a singular collection point to earn points. Once a team gets some number of eggs (20 or so, whatever works for that map), they win the game. A player needs to stand in an egg spawner area uncontested to pick up an egg, and then they need to reach the collection point (which is in a vulnerable location) without dying. Maybe some attributes could be applied when you have an egg like slowness or lowered max hearts.

Do you guys have any ideas?

i always wanted to see some race for wool addapted to ocn-stratus playstyle like a "survival part" at the beggining of the match/map and more focused in pvp at the end

Annihilation aka Destroy the Nexus? Could work out on a small scale, like reducing the ammount of game phases from 5 to 3 or something?

Ps: your gamemode idea sounds cool, but I think is pretty similar to CTF, but a little bit more dynamic

EDIT: what sesia said, RFW is amazing.

Wools and Cores.

Bedwars, awesome gamemode

Payload but better

Hostage with villagers
Freeze tag if you freeze for 15 seconds without being unfronzen you explode

Wasn't around for payload, what was bad about it?

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