
CTW fundamentals - a series

I think i know how to play ctw and I would like to use my experience to teach people how to improve at CTW. I just came back after a year of inactivity and co-led a team to a tournament win so trust me you can trust me.

I recorded this series after the second weekend of the tournament. This series will cover a lot of macro decision making and my personal thoughts about how people SHOULD play ctw. I try to be as objective as possible and I flagged my personal opinions. I use a lot of examples from teams this tournament to characterize the theory, so if anything doesnt make sense ask me questions anytime. Later in the series I will review vods and tournament matches if I find any good POVs.

Also check out my defending series here (click).

CTW Fundamentals:

    1. Control, Pressure, and Tempo

    1. Team playstyles

    1. Advantage, disadvantage, and neutral

  1. Respawns and identifying dominant playstyles on maps
  2. How to rotate and deal with rotations
  3. Deciding splits and creating step-by-step gameplan
  4. idk I will make more though

ty Mattato very cool

How to fucking offend

how to fucking play ctw

this is quality content mattato too bad tourneys over

I couldn’t make videos like this during the tournament because I thought it would help other teams too much, sorry :(

Meh I generally wouldn't say this because I cba type why you're wrong. But I don't really want new teams to get the wrong ideas. Play style is very dependent on the map you're playing.

But new players watching this, take it with a grain of salt. Lets just say some of this stuff is pretty subpar thinking especially the stuff on gd3 about my team and the "control" playstyle.

Im only rlly saying this because I don't want new players to think like this, Im not here to shit on you mattato, Im happy ur trying to help ppl.

At this point in the series im trying to establish different terminology. obviously strategy changes depending on maps and later on i will apply them to specific maps. i need to talk about respawns and rotations first before talking about map strategy.

you know control better than I do so you're probably right, but i didnt really spend much time talking about your team or your playstyle enough to give a good idea anyways, i just used your team to characterize what a control team generally looks like and does. in an ideal world where your teammates dont make mistakes im sure control is the best way to play, but obviously that is not the case.

I would really like for you to explain your thinking of control though so feel free to msg me or make a forum post abt it :)

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