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opinion ???

opinion on BATB ???


OPS player / person


favorite pokemon

OPINION on mattjames

most memorable BATB moment

Funny guy

Bad team cause won’t give me any vacation time

Seriously now tho

your pretty decent I think you are like identical at pvp with me rn but you play more Aggro than I do. You win most of your 1v1s, even when you are down on hp by a lot because you utilize the bow when you are running away. You say that I’m a lot better than u a lot of he time in ranked but I can’t ever tell if your joking or not. You are pretty funny and not toxic at all anymore. You are a good friend of mine and I am glad that I can call you my bubble butt buddy!

Improved a lot since it was first made, for that unofficial we did. It sucked then. We sucked duringg wool e but then got a lot better after qualis and during invis. Right now idk cause I was gone for a week but I hear we are like top 4 or something

I don’t really like the atmosphere of the team I’m always scared I’m gonna get kicked by Mattjames,

opinion of newest night vision?

opinion de alfalik?


you are really funny I love talking with you and just listening to you your voice is hilarious and basically everything you say is as well. You are pretty good at pvp and your game sense is very under rated I guess, it surprised me that you were not on a better team than jalapenos when I first played with you. solid player pretty under rated

read above

Charmander obviously

stupid retard, very bad leader. when he was on rubber ducks he was a solid player. his brain cant comprehend very simple things though (serious)

mattjames speech

general opinion of you is that you can be very annoying and I honestly think it is somewhat deserved. its hard to be in a vc with you when you are talking because you talk over people and yell at them if you want to say something. Your best strength is your sword which is a little above average. Sometimes your gamesense can throw a game, and you like never listen to callouts or people telling you to do stuff.

number 1 thing to do would be to listen to people when they tell you to do stuff

number 2 is to try not to be annoying or toxic

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