
match i just had 2

hey guys i got good response from the first match i just had thread so i decided id make another so this match didnt actually happen but i kinda daydreamed about it in apush so i was on townside by rockymine and i was on the skybridge and i got knocked off by younggraham god that kid is such a loser hes always on line anyway so i forgot to mention that it was like 1am so this was the last match i could play before i had to go sleep because my parents were going to our neighbors house for their daughters bar mitzvah so i was going to have to either go with them or id have to go over to my cousins house because they dont let me stay at home alone anymore (i decided to go to the bar mitzah) but anyways yea i was playing at 1 am and oh yea the match was like 40 minutes long so i was having a lot of fun and i was running back with the wool as well and i forgot to mention that the enemy team also had the wool and they were running back i guess so i was trying to comingback with the wool so i could but then younggraham hit me off like i said :/ kinda shitty but ok so i was kinda mad at that point and yelled like kinda lowd not too much and i was scared at that point that someone might have heard me so i was kinda really trying to get the wool back and i ran up the skybridge and there was still some wool on the side of the skybridge not the top cuz retard made the skybridge at height limit (wtf) but then the enemy capped the wool it would have been my 250th wool too but whatevs

how was the bar mitzfah

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