
[Game] Battle!

End of turn #3 ΒΆ

Finishu took the recruitment center and no one else moved.

Map ΒΆ

Recruitment Center ( finshuΒ )

Troops: 138 πŸ‘€ (10πŸ’ͺ)

Defense: 0πŸ›‘οΈ

Randomness: 4 🎲

Recruitment: +18 πŸ‘€/turn

Tile Apple ( slayersourceΒ )

Troops: 130 πŸ‘€ (10πŸ’ͺ)

Defense: 1πŸ›‘οΈ

Recruitment: +10 πŸ‘€/turn

Tile Banana (Empty)

Defense: 1πŸ›‘οΈ

Recruitment: +10 πŸ‘€/turn

Tile Crab ( ShinyDialgaΒ )

Troops: 130 πŸ‘€ (10πŸ’ͺ)

Defense: 1πŸ›‘οΈ

Recruitment: +10 πŸ‘€/turn

Log ΒΆ

  • finshuΒ  claimed [Recruitment Center] with 120.
  • The turn has ended.

I will move to Tile Banana

End of Turn #4 ΒΆ


Β  has moved from Tile Apple to Tile Banana, despite them being exactly the same. Maybe he likes bananas.

Now that forums are public, if anyone else wants to join just let me know! You can join at any time.

Map ΒΆ

Recruitment Center ( finshuΒ )

Troops: 156 πŸ‘€ (10πŸ’ͺ)

Defense: 0πŸ›‘οΈ

Randomness: 4 🎲

Recruitment: +18 πŸ‘€/turn

Tile Apple ( slayersourceΒ )

Troops: 140 πŸ‘€ (10πŸ’ͺ)

Defense: 1πŸ›‘οΈ

Recruitment: +10 πŸ‘€/turn

Tile Banana (Empty)

Defense: 1πŸ›‘οΈ

Recruitment: +10 πŸ‘€/turn

Tile Crab ( ShinyDialgaΒ )

Troops: 140 πŸ‘€ (10πŸ’ͺ)

Defense: 1πŸ›‘οΈ

Recruitment: +10 πŸ‘€/turn

Log ΒΆ

  • slayersourceΒ  moved from [Tile Apple] to [Tile Banana].
  • The turn has ended.

i move to the banana one

End of Turn #5 ΒΆ

This turn, sslumperΒ  has arrived.

Are you guys ever going to attack each other?

Map ΒΆ

Recruitment Center ( finshuΒ )

Troops: 174 πŸ‘€ (10πŸ’ͺ)

Defense: 0πŸ›‘οΈ

Randomness: 4 🎲

Recruitment: +18 πŸ‘€/turn

Tile Apple ( slayersourceΒ )

Troops: 150 πŸ‘€ (10πŸ’ͺ)

Defense: 1πŸ›‘οΈ

Recruitment: +10 πŸ‘€/turn

Tile Banana ( sslumperΒ )

Troops: 110 πŸ‘€ (10πŸ’ͺ)

Defense: 1πŸ›‘οΈ

Recruitment: +10 πŸ‘€/turn

Tile Crab ( ShinyDialgaΒ )

Troops: 150 πŸ‘€ (10πŸ’ͺ)

Defense: 1πŸ›‘οΈ

Recruitment: +10 πŸ‘€/turn

Log ΒΆ

  • sslumperΒ  started at [Tile Banana]!
  • The turn has ended.

I will attack finshu

I attack slayersource after he attacks finshu

End of Turn #6 ΒΆ

An exciting turn! slayersourceΒ  attacked finshuΒ , and against the odds, he won! sslumperΒ , taking advantage of the situation, came in and cleaned up slayersourceΒ  while he was weak.

Note you can leave some of your troops behind when you attack, if you want to play it safe. Obviously, this makes the attack less likely to succeed.


Β  and finshuΒ , you'll be able to come back next turn.

Map ΒΆ

Recruitment Center ( sslumperΒ )

Troops: 80 πŸ‘€ (11πŸ’ͺ)

Defense: 0πŸ›‘οΈ

Randomness: 4 🎲

Recruitment: +18 πŸ‘€/turn

Tile Apple (Empty)

Defense: 1πŸ›‘οΈ

Recruitment: +10 πŸ‘€/turn

Tile Banana (Empty)

Defense: 1πŸ›‘οΈ

Recruitment: +10 πŸ‘€/turn

Tile Crab ( ShinyDialgaΒ )

Troops: 160 πŸ‘€ (10πŸ’ͺ)

Defense: 1πŸ›‘οΈ

Recruitment: +10 πŸ‘€/turn

Log ΒΆ

  • BATTLE! β€” slayersourceΒ  [Tile Apple] attacked finshuΒ  [Recruitment Center].

    150 πŸ‘€ (10πŸ’ͺ) attacked 174 πŸ‘€ (10πŸ’ͺ).

    Attackers got a 3πŸ’ͺ random strength boost.

    Defenders got a 0πŸ’ͺ random strength boost and a 0πŸ’ͺ defense strength boost.

    slayersourceΒ  won!

    30 πŸ‘€ survived, 55 πŸ‘€ revived.

    The troops got a small strength boost.
  • BATTLE! β€” sslumperΒ  [Tile Banana] attacked slayersourceΒ  [Recruitment Center].

    110 πŸ‘€ (10πŸ’ͺ) attacked 85 πŸ‘€ (11πŸ’ͺ).

    Attackers got a 7πŸ’ͺ random strength boost.

    Defenders got a 4πŸ’ͺ random strength boost and a 0πŸ’ͺ defense strength boost.

    sslumperΒ  won!

    19 πŸ‘€ survived, 43 πŸ‘€ revived.

    The troops got a small strength boost.
  • The turn has ended.

I will stay on my current tile to heal up and gather more troops

I move half my people to the banana

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