
Leap Day Update

Leap Day Announcement

Hello everyone and happy leap day!

Our staff have been hard at work and have made a lot of progress on the network. This post will outline what’s been done and what is being released.

Stats and Player Profiles

Firstly, player pages have been re-added to the website thanks to the work of our web developer, halfmaster1 ! This includes stats for both PGM and Duels. Not only that, but old stats are now imported and have been added on top of your current stats! For now the page is fairly barebones, but over time we’ll be sprucing it up with new features and customization.

Click here to check a profile out.


Our rules have also been substantially updated, which we hope will make them clearer and simpler. In line with rule G3 of the old rules, or I1 of the new rules, the new rules will take effect on 7 March 2020. Please make sure you read over the rules before they come into force:
Mutes, as explained below, will go live on 7 March, at the same time as the new rules.


We’re introducing a muting system for chat offences on the network. We feel this will allow us to better deal with chat rule violations and create a more pleasant chat environment. We also feel that the current system can punish people too harshly for minor chat offences, and that muting rulebreakers, rather than banning them, is more proportionate.
Mutes will progressively increase in duration for each mute you receive. To ensure mutes are effective as a punishment, mute times only reduce whilst you’re online playing on the server - if you get a 1-hour mute, you need to play for 1 hour before you can chat again. However, to balance this out, particularly for players who can’t play on the network a lot, all mutes will expire automatically after 1 week, regardless of how much you’ve actually played.
Note that once you’ve received 4 mutes, you’ll start to receive conventional punishments, such as bans, though we hope that we won’t need to go that far.


We are introducing a ticket-based support website to provide a centralised system for appealing punishments and reporting players. This will provide an interim solution whilst we work on a new system which is fully integrated into our website. If you want to appeal a punishment, or report a player with evidence, please visit our support page and submit a ticket:
Along with this, punishment history from the old database has been imported. If you’ve played on the server since December, don’t worry - you are not being banned again. If you’ve not been on Stratus since December, please submit an appeal - we’ll be more forgiving than usual, and you’ll likely get a second chance.

Setnext Event

To celebrate the launch of profiles, we will be hosting a Setnext event today at 5:00PM EST. Make sure to join to play some fun maps like Infection, Rage and more!

Future Plans

Our devs are working diligently on improving our servers, here are a few things you can look forward to:

  • private servers
  • leaderboards
  • discord registration
  • website appeals and reports

Thanks for sticking around with us, and we hope you enjoy these updates!

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