
Duels Season 1 Release

Stratus Duels Season 1 Launch

Season 1 of Duels has been released! To join, connect to and use the server picker or type /server duels to join. There have been a number of changes since Season 0 (you can read more about Season 0 here and here), so this post will outline all the new changes.

Firstly, you can now purchase loot boxes with coins to unlock cosmetics! There are three tiers: Normal, Super, and Ultra. The Normal boxes are the best for obtaining commons and uncommons, the Super boxes are the best for obtaining rares and ultra rares, and the Ultra boxes are the best for obtaining legendaries and unheards. If you pull a duplicate, you will get coins back based on how rare your cosmetic was.

Next, knockback has been modified. We received a lot of feedback from our Season 0 tests, so we have taken them into account and made adjustments accordingly. We are open to changing them again in the future, so feel free to provide feedback for these new values.

The ELO formula also has been modified to prevent overinflation. High ranks are still obtainable, but they are not as easy to get as it was in Season 0. On a separate note, Skybridge ELO gains and losses have been cut in half. Since the matches were so quick, it was extremely easy to push it. It should now be more similar to the other ladders.

Matchmaking has been modified so that waiting longer increases the potential opponent ELO range significantly.

Casual ladders have been enabled.

You can now run /stats to check your wins, losses and win/loss ratio. The stats are split by ladder, as well as having a global tracker!

In terms of arenas, we strived to create maps that were both aesthetically pleasing and play well. In total, there are 18 arenas which can be broken down as the following (italicmaps are new to season 1):
Archer Ladder: Caves, Badland, Hieroglyph, Woodwork
BuildUHC/Stratus Ladder: Aquatic, Badland, Caves, End, Hieroglyph, Nether, Roofed, Savannah, Snowbound
NoDebuff Ladder: Ocean, Overcast, Wireframe
Skybridge Ladder: oof, Skyline, Sphynx, Tron, Waterfall
We will continue to supply new maps as the season progresses!

We also want to congratulate gagagdgguacamole as they were #1 Global ELO in Season 0! They have received The Crown, which is an exclusive cosmetic that applies to every ladder they play in.

Misc Changes:
- You now see your ELO in a match
- /hub works
- You get a sound in game when your match starts
- There's a new hotbar item that lets you play again after a ranked match

We have many more plans for Duels that are currently in the works, such as an anticheat and objective based ladders. The devs will be working hard to provide consistent updates to duels, so we hope you stick around for more!

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