Hello fellow Minecrafters! Today the CMT staff team would like to announce the latest development in Competitive Minecraft. CMT: Endgame Series!
Competitive Minecraft Tournaments was originally created by sslumper ,
edwurd , and
Lucaslyoko to host a RAGE tournament last December. For months afterwards, nothing happened.
Lucaslyoko left the team, and shortly after, CMT’s second tournament was hosted. It featured the capture gamemodes used in OCN’s Straight Outta Capture, such as Capture the Flag (CTF), Capture the Wool (CTW), and Five Capture Points (5CP). Now we have rebranded ourselves as an organization, and are currently run by
sslumper ,
OCDs ,
ShowMaker ,
shrw ,
twynics ,
Goriest , and
edwurd .
The Badlion Diamond Series was hosted by the Badlion Network in late 2017. It featured 3 qualifier tournaments, a CTF qualifier, a CTW qualifier, and a Domination qualifier. The best teams throughout the series advanced to the Invitationals. Each of the qualifiers and the invitational all had massive cash prize pools.
Our Discords: Rocky#0420 dragonrider#3926 xSoulDrack#9425
Total Prize money is 750$
More information about brackets and matches played per round will be released after we know how many teams are registered for each qualifier.
Dates: Saturday, May 25th - Sunday, May 26th
Prizes: The top two teams will earn a spot in the invitationals. The first place team will earn 80$ to be split among the players.
Maps: We want to use 1-2 Overcast maps, 1-2 Badlion maps, and 1-2 new maps. Over the next few weeks, lots of testing will be happening. Check out the map pool post for a list of all the possible maps.
Registration: https://forms.gle/Jtxb1AvC6AD3NFdT8
Dates: Saturday, June 8th - Sunday, June 9th (Dates may change)
Prizes: The top two teams will earn a spot in the invitationals. The first place team will earn 80$ to be split among the players.
Maps: We want to use 1-2 Overcast maps, 1-2 Badlion maps, and 1-2 new maps. Over the next few weeks, lots of testing will be happening. Check out the map pool post for a list of all the possible maps.
Dates: Saturday, June 29th - Sunday, June 30th (Dates may change)
Prizes: The top two teams will earn a spot in the invitationals. The first place team will earn 80$ to be split among the players.
Maps: We want to use 1-2 Overcast maps, 1-2 Badlion maps, and 1-2 new maps. Over the next few weeks, lots of testing will be happening. Check out the map pool post for a list of all the possible maps.
The top two teams from each qualifier will advance into invitationals. A team cannot Qualify twice. For example, say team A Wins the CTF Qualifiers, and Team B came second place. If Team A then wins the Domination Qualifiers, Team C comes 2nd, and Team Team D comes 3rd, then Team A gets the cash prize. Team C and D will be moved up to 1st and 2nd place respectively, and will both qualify for the invitationals.
We will hand pick 2 more teams to make it into an 8-team invitationals. This should produce the highest quality tournament possible.
Dates: Saturday, July 13th - Sunday, July 14th (Dates may change)
Prizes: We will be giving away 500$ to the top 3 teams. First place will receive 250$, second will receive 150$, and the third place team will be given 100$.
Maps: We will use all of the maps from the qualifiers
If you register, showing up is mandatory and may result in a tournament ban for the next qualifier or tournament.
Cheating is not allowed AT ALL! If any player on any team is caught cheating, the team will be dismissed from the event(s). If we ban a player of a team who has won a previous qualifier, they will all be disqualified and the team’s below them will be given the money and qualification spot.
If a player is suspected to be cheating, a staff member may wish to screen share. By participating in this tournament you agree to be screenshared at any time. Failure to follow this rule will result in disqualification of the individual, and possibly the team.
As this is a tournament series, we will be locking rosters, mostly. If a player plays in a match for a team during one of the qualifiers, they will be added to the team’s roster along with the leader for the future qualifiers and invitationals. Teams will be given 2 roster repairs from the qualifiers to the invitationals. An example of this is detailed below
Say Players 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 are registered for the CTF qualifiers. Player 1 is the leader. Automatically, Player 1 is added to the teams final roster. If player 2 5 6 8 play in the match with player 1, they are added to the teams final roster. If the every match they play in the CTF is with those 5 players, for the next tournament, the domination qualifier, players 1 2 5 6 8 must all be on the roster, and 3 new players could be registered. Players 3 4 7 may join a different team if they would like. But say that players 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 had all played during the CTF qualifier. That means that the rest of the events must be played with those players. Only if they roster repair people, can it be changed. Continuing with the previous example, if the leader needed new players, they could replace players 7 and 8 with new players, 9 and 10. That would be the final roster change.
We will use PayPal to send the prize money to the leader of the team. It is up to them to distribute it to their teammates. A reminder that signing up with less players on the roster drastically increases the money per player.
When applying for livestreamer or for referee, not playing in the event will help a lot. We need refs who will not be playing in matches so that the tournaments can be run as smoothly as possible.
Some of you may be asking, where are we getting the money? Aren’t you just a bunch of community members? Yes, we are. Thank you OCDs for giving 700$ to the prize pool. We also would like to thank Zaoki for giving us 60$ for the prize pool. Some of that money will be used for servers. Thank you guys!
Thanks to bYuri for making that awesome trailer and all of the images we will use in the forum posts.
We would also like to thank Strangey ,
Crazy_ ,
mitchiii and the rest of the MapDevs for helping us test the maps and keep them updated. Also thanks to the Admins for continuing to work with us.
We hope you are as excited as we are for the CMT: Endgame Series!
-CMT Staff Team
Spanish Post
More will be added, and some will be removed over the coming days
holy moly, i'm back for this shit
thanks to everyone involved!!
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