
Friday Forums Update #2: Old Posts are Back!

Hey everyone!

This is the second Friday Forums Update. Only took me 4 weeks to get there. The first one is here, in case you study modern history.

Old posts are back!

After some digital archaeology (i.e. me messaging ShinyDialga , stupid3700 , and ALM ), we found all the old posts on the forums.

Some posts, sadly, were beyond repair, but I converted what I could. Now, you can look at history without the wayback machine. We'll unarchive a few famous posts so they can continue their legacy.

Added What's New

With the old also comes the new. Check out the 15 most recently updated topics in What's New.

There aren't multiple pages for a very good reason that I can't quite remember right now.

Forums are now open to everyone!

I don't have anything else to say about that, but it looks funny without a paragraph. Yay! We're back! Okay, that's enough text now.

Small Changes

  • Fixed pages with only one post being hidden. Apparently, numbers smaller than 2 are hard to detect.
  • Add redirects for old-style topic links. This way, links to old topics will still work.
  • Improved some moderation stuff. It's classified.

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