
Stratus Status #5, 2018-10-22

Hello everyone! Welcome to the fifth issue of Stratus Status, the official biweekly newsletter. Are you interested in recent network changes and what the community has been up to? If so, read on to stay up to date about all things Stratus!

New Content Creator Requirements

Last Thursday, amactus  announced new requirements for the content creator rank. This change is intended to make the rank more accessible, and promote Stratus content. It involves lower requirements for both Twitch and Youtube content creators, so if you didn't meet the requirements before, make sure you check the post out!

Halloween event

The Halloween Apocalypse event is still going on! Throughout the last weekend, the Pumpkin King's Conquest Event took place, but most events are still live. Check out the thread to see which ones you can still participate in.

Development News

Over the past two weeks, a notable bug has been fixed. In order to do so, the extended hitbox was removed, which made hit detection slightly more accurate for most clients. By removing this feature, 1.7 clients no longer get occasional crazy reach distance and now arrows no longer bounce off of enemies when they should've hit them.

New Maps

In the past two weeks, the following maps were added:

Next rotation update

Historically rotations have been created internally by staff members. For our next rotation, we plan on making the community participate directly to creating it. You can read the full post and discuss how you want the next rotation to be on mitchiii 's post.

Staff News

These past two weeks were particularly busy in terms of staff changes:

Community Spotlight

On this issue we're showcasing pjMCCX 's guide to modern TNT Cannoning. In his guide he showcases basic cannoning techniques, terminology and strategies. Check it out!

Biweekly Question

Thanks for your feedback on how to improve UHC! This feedback will prove invaluable to us, and we hope to implement some of the ideas soon!

This week, we would like to ask you: Which prime time scenarios would you like to see live? Make sure to let us know!

Admin Corner

On October 13th, 2018, ElectroidFilms  announced his resignation as CEO. Ownership of the Stratus Network is being transferred to ShinyDialga  as ElectroidFilms  steps back to pursue non-Minecraft related projects. The website and servers will not experience any downtime. In the meantime, please thank Electroid for his hard work during his tenure as staff on OCN and the Stratus Network.

That's all for this time!

Thanks for reading this week's issue. See you all next time!

A full list of past issues can be found on our profile page, and if you have any feedback about Stratus Status please let us know below.

Can’t wait for the new admins..

Really appreciate the new Admin Corner section. As always, thanks for taking the time to write this.

yeah! good jobadmin team!

ALM's return is the only good thing tbh

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