
Stratus Status #28, 2019-09-17

Hello everyone! Welcome to the twenty-eighth issue of Stratus Status, the official biweekly newsletter. Are you interested in recent network changes and what the community has been up to? If so, read on to get up-to-date about all things Stratus!

Development News

Over the past two weeks, the Ares infrastructure received the following updates:

  • Added the following UHC scenarios: Infinite enchanter, Bats, Weakest link, Diamondless, Backpacks

  • Added fundamental API interactions for Bungee and Bukkit servers. This change should enable dynamic servers and allows the network to be scaled freely

  • Added private messages support

  • The API has been receiving a lot of work, with some notable additions:
    • PostgreSQL database

    • Auto-scaling servers: ask for a server of any type and it'll come online and be added to Bungee without limits. This also means we can handle surges of players without the network crashing

    • New admin panel: admins can now create server templates with any combination of resources and plugins

    • Better backwards compatibility: with the Bungee, 1.7 clients will now have much better support


  made an update post about Operation Ares explaining in much greater detail what we've been up to during the past year. We highly recommend you read it, link here.

New Maps

Over the past two weeks, the following maps were added:

The mixed rotation also received an update! Check out the Rotation Update thread to view the changes, which you can discuss on the Rotation Update #22 Discussion thread.

Staff News

Community Spotlight

Oops! We totally didn't forget to include Qwuiblington 's How To Offend video in our last issue. Click here and keep scrolling...


  asks: What is your Minecraft eDPI? It's a number to represent how fast you move your mouse. Check out his thread here.

Biweekly Question

In this issue, we're asking: what's your favourite gamemode and why?

That's all for this time!

Thanks for reading this week's issue. See you all next time!

A full list of past issues can be found on our profile page, and if you have any feedback about Stratus Status please let us know below.

ctw because it's both quite easy to understand and has enough depth and strategies

dtc cus it requires more brain less click

Rage because when I say that rage is the best gamemode people rage.

Rage, which I get isn't good for the server, but is still my personal favorite.

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