
Stratus Status #1, 2018-08-27

Hello everyone! Welcome to the first issue of Stratus Status, the official biweekly newsletter. Are you interested in recent network changes and what the community has been up to? If so, read on to stay up to date about all things Stratus!

Our Mission

Earlier this month, ElectroidFilms , in the name of the administration announced a major shift in Stratus' future to a competitive-focused vision. Stratus is growing beyond simply being the remains of the Overcast Network, and, to show this, we've released an official mission statement: "We believe healthy competition builds teamwork among online gamers."

This mission means changes for Stratus, so competitive and casual players alike should be excited for all of our upcoming plans. We are shifting Stratus to be based in 1.8, integrating Discord with the server, reworking the website, and much more. Check out the original post here!

Stratus UHC 1.0 Release

Stratus UHC is now officially out of Beta! This past weekend, Stratus UHC 1.0 was launched, with fancy new features like a match schedule and a stats leaderboard. A new rank has been introduced: UHC Host. Be sure to keep an eye on the schedule to see when the next games will be hosted!


Stratus' summer Capture the Wool tournament has come to a close! On Sunday, August 19th, Night Doobers defeated SK Telecom T1 2-0 to win Incrediwools, Stratus' third tournament.

You can congratulate Night Doobers in the official forum thread. If you missed the finals, or just want to re-watch them, they are available on our Twitch channel. The Event Staff also encourages everyone to let us know if you enjoyed Incrediwools, and what you'd like to see in future Stratus Events, in the Feedback form.

Didn't get to participate? Want to play again? Keep an eye on our Event Discord over the next few weeks for a map testing announcement, as we will soon begin preparations for our next mini event! 👀

Development News

This section will be a regular feature of Stratus Status and will take the place of our monthly Development Updates. If you're interested in the technical side of our progress on Stratus' new competitive direction, you'll want to keep up with the Development News!

A couple weeks ago, you may have noticed a change in Stratus' knockback. That's because ShinyDialga , with the help of some community testers, was able to identify and fix a major sprint bug in recent versions of Bukkit. As Shiny explained on Discord:

"In all versions of Minecraft, when you hit somebody with sprint, they take extra knockback. In vanilla, this extra knockback only applies to the first hit. On Stratus, that extra knockback applies to every hit while sprinting. Since every sprint hit gave extra knockback, Stratus knockback always felt like too much."

Now that this bug has been fixed, w-tapping will once again be a viable strategy, making our combat system more consistent with other networks.

Flags were also recently re-added to user profiles by ALM , so you can now see how many flags you've captured on your profile.

New Maps

The past two weeks, aside from Halloween preparations, the following maps were added:

Staff News

The senior moderators are pleased to announce that moderator applications are now open! They will be open until the end of August. Read more on the announcement thread.

Community Spotlight

Remember the old days of MS Paint masterpieces? Meygan  opened an artshop, check it out!

Want to know more about the current status of the Mixed server? unixfox  has created a project to monitor and display statistics that we don't publicly display, such as player count graphs, win predictions, and more! Make sure you check the thread out here!

Defending Corner

Are you an avid defender? Do you want your defence featured on our next issue? Take screenshots of the defence and submit it on this form. We will showcase the best defences on our next issue!

Biweekly Question

What would you like the next Stratus setnext event to be? Are you Team Nostalgia, Team Rift, Team Avicus, or Team Blitz? Leave a post describing what team you are on, and the team with the most votes will get an event tailored to that purpose! All events will be hosted at the weekend and streamed, with the team that got the second most votes getting their event second.

  • Team Blitz:

    The Blitz event would be a scope of both standard and Rage maps. We would play double the amount of maps we’d usually play during a standard map event, taking the total to 32 non-stop Blitz maps!

  • Team Rift:

    The Rift event would follow the same protocol as the previous Rift events, with those who contribute to destroying the objective getting an exclusive Wreck-It Rift trophy on their profiles! A same-day rematch may be in order if this event gets enough votes.

  • Team Avicus:

    The Avicus event would be a selection of 16 curated maps from the Avicus Network. These would be played privately on Event and welcoming to players of all server backgrounds, though more oriented around the former Avicus community favorites.

  • Team Nostalgia:

    The Nostalgia event would follow the same protocol as the two previous Nostalgia events, and have 16 maps with even more community days surprises!

Admin Corner

The administration is excited to announce that we are now Twitch affiliates! This allows our Twitch channel to start earning revenue through subscriptions & bits, as well as introducing several exciting new features such as custom chat emotes, chargeback protection, and custom subscriber prefixes.

That's all for this time!

Thanks for reading our first issue! We are very happy to introduce this project, as part of our effort to improve the communication between the staff and the community. We are thrilled to see where this leads us. See you next time!

A full list of past issues can be found on our profile page, and if you have any feedback about Stratus Status please let us know below.

Fun stuff

Also team rift, since a rift event hasnt been done in ages.

Edit: nah let's do team Avicus instead because why not

Huge shoutout to everyone contributing to the newsletter!

Gratz Squid on ref
Team Avicus because Avicus was great

Team Rift! Might be fun since we need to dust off some of those old trophies... and give them out, of course :)

Great newsletter, looking forward to more in the future.

This is great af having a newsletter, Team Nostalgia 100%

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